The PTA Executive:
President Mr. Anthony Bristol
Vice President Mr. Andy Daniel
Secretary Mrs. Shirlene James
Treasurer Mrs. Lisa James
Class Reps:
Shirlene James Pre K Paulette Francis  Pre K
Deann Plummer Kindergarten 1
Segun Tobias Kindergarten 2
Alana Francois-George Grade 1  Ronald Phulgence  Grade 1
Portia Morris Grade 2
Terry Charlemagne Grade 3 Ryan Desir Grade 3
Sophia-Ann Wilson Grade 4-1  Andy Daniel  Grade 4-1
Jeanine Prescod Grade 4-2  Vernesa James  Grade 4-2
Samantha St Omer Grade 5 Stacy O’Keiffe Grade 5
Anthony Bristol Grade 6  Christopher Bak  Grade 6

Principal and Teachers

Mrs Arlette Cenac
Ms Germilia Joseph
Ms. Paulette Harper

The Role of the PTA

The Parent Teachers Association provides a crucial link between parents and teachers. Our pupil’s welfare, happiness and progress is contingent upon the active involvement of parents in their children’s education. The PTA is the primary means of bringing parents and teachers together and developing a positive relationship.

The Objects of the PTA include:

  • To facilitate and support communication and the exchange of views
    between parents and teachers, through newsletters, workshops, events and social activities of, both formal and informal occasions.
  • Provide support to the school through classroom support, field-trip, library and extra-curricular activities and volunteers, assistance with school events.
  • Present PTA concerns and issues to the Principal or Board when appropriate in respect of the curriculum, the scope and conduct of extra-curricular activities and events, the welfare of the pupils and the administration or other matters of the school.
  • To raise funds for the benefit of the School and give recommendations on the possible uses for such funds and general recommendations for additional school requirements.