
Tapion Private School has been in existence for 48 years now. Throughout that period of time, the school’s curricular has catered to the needs of the average child as well as the specially gifted child.

The school has also accommodated a few students who have been diagnosed with autism and Attention Deficit Disorder.

All students from 3 to 12 years old are exposed to the school’s curricular which comprises of the core subjects namely; Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Health and Family Life. The school also offers Music, French, Spanish, Information Technology, Physical Education, Art and Craft, Public Speaking and Creative and Performing Arts.

The extra-curricular activities are enriching and afford the students the opportunity to develop skills in Dance, Drama, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Gymnastics, Football, Art and Craft. Students are encouraged to be creative and to express that creativity in a variety of ways. The school has a well-organized Brownie Pack and participates in many activities organized by the Girl Guide Movement.

Over the years, Tapion School has always performed above the National Mean on both the diagnostic Minimum Standards Test taken at the Grades 2 and 4 levels and the entry Secondary School Examination ( Common Entrance Examination) taken at the grade 6 level.

The school continues to be proud of its outstanding performance at the Common Entrance Examination over the past years. Generally the school places 1st or 2nd on island with averages way above the national mean. This top performance has served to motivate the students, particularly the grade 6 students to strive for excellence at all times.

Poor performance in Mathematics continues to be of grave concern to the Ministry of Education officials and by extension principals and teachers. Tapion School however, has over the past years maintained an overall average of well over 85% in Mathematics at the Common Entrance Mathematics Examinations.

Students, staff and parents are proud to be associated with Tapion School where excellence continues to be the standard.